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brain attack

I hear the plow trucks and the icesnow because my window is open. The cats like the window more when it is open. I can't open it too much, or the cats will stand up and squeeze between the screen and the window. I can't have any of that. What if the screen popped out and the cat fell out and landed in the snow? I might go out the window after it, if that happened. I am on the first floor. If I went around and used the doors the cat would probably run away. It's not the right season for taking cats for walks.

I don't like post-modernism. I think it is pretty boring. I can snooze to a tape of someone talking about post-modernism. But that is the best thing about it. It hurts my heart and makes me shake my head. That time is long past. Postmodernism is definately over. It's boringly over. Naptime style. But now there will be a whole lot of other posts. I feel like we will say post everything, all the things, we will go through them like we went through isms.

Alot of the stuff I like is postirony. That stuff tries to be funny, and funny is tough when you are alone so I honor that. Internet writing is good enough, I like the writers who talk about themselves as the internet school of poetry, there is some postirony in them. I think that the internet school of poetry is kind of a weak thing to call it. I will put post in front. The postinternet writers are kind of like prerobot writers, postinternet will slowly lead us to the poets who can write the best programs to write poems. The postinternet writers get to feel patronized without economic impact. This might aid in a constant removed feeling of disconnection that is eventually generative.

I think I can describe the way that The Golden Bear, Two Tears Boye, and The Industry write as postcinematic. The structure of the narration includes a detatched nonpersonal perspective that interacts with landscape and people outside of the main narrative, as well as a point of view that follows and is related to a main character. Often, postcinematic writing plays on the separation between television and viewer, bringing the reader close in, focusing on compassion and caring even with all of the mess everywhere. There is a focus on spaces and spatial movement. This could be a style heavily influenced by suburb and semicity life.

There are a few people I know that don't write as a primary activity. These people go to writing for lack of anything else to do at that time. They don't come from any studied background, and thier life experience is what makes up the strong poetic voice. I think of this writing as postpoetry. Jordan Branson, Josh Walker, and Eric Pizzola write postpoetry. I think that when these writers write it becomes poetry because they think in conversational fragments, not prosaic sentences. There are millions of people like this. I imagine postpoetry is written in text messages.

All of these posts are really similar, they are probably all postavant. But there are variations. Postinternet poetry doesn't prove to me that it cares about anyone. Postpoetry cares about alot of things, but writing isn't the focus. It can become the focus, given the circumstances, and it is usually temporarily. Contemporary postmodernism is for people who can't sleep and need to sleep really really bad, I'm talkin last resort. And postcinematic writing is working out the kinks. All I can hope for is to have competing brands that can cut promos on each other.

See a post someone wrote on the 13th about post as a prefix here.
First use of postavant.

The grey person returns home to find the kitten has turned into a catperson.